
To nejlepší z konference KBE 2018

Pohledy odborníků na současné zdravotnictví.

Při setkání odborníků u kulatého stolu byla jednoznačná shoda na hlavních výzvách pro české zdravotnictví.

Nikde na světe neroste spotřeba ve zdravotnictví oproti růstu HDP tak diametrálně jako u nás. Pokud mají této situaci zdravotnická zařízení čelit úspěšně, je nutné se zaměřit na řízení a vyhodnocování procesů. Názory a zkušenosti z praxe byly hlavním tématem diskuse u kulatého stolu, kterou uvedl MUDr. Oldřich Šubrt, CSc, MBA, předseda správní rady Academy of Health Care Management s.r.o.

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We use the so-called extended privacy mode to integrate YouTube videos. In this mode, the setting of YouTube cookies on your device is initially blocked when you visit our website. Only when you click on the preview image the video will be loaded. This is possible by the fact that you are technically redirected to the YouTube website. From that point on, we no longer have any control over what data is sent to YouTube and what cookies or other means are used by YouTube to track users or analyze user behavior. For more information about YouTube's use of cookies, please see the Google Privacy Policy and the Google's cookie policy. Once a YouTube cookie is set, you can delete it from your browser at any time. For more information about deleting cookies, please refer to the website of your browser provider.

I letošní konference KBE přinesla mnoho nových a zajímavých pohledů na naše zdravotnictví. Připomeňte si je s námi.

Proč naše zdravotnictví stále funguje na základě provizorních a hybridních nastavení?

Příčina je v minulosti. Jaké to má dopady a proč čekáme na ministra, který bude mít odvahu? To vše se dozvíte z rozhovoru s MUDr. Pavlem Vepřkem, zakladatelem iniciativy Zdravotnictví 2.0.

Preview image YouTube videos
We use the so-called extended privacy mode to integrate YouTube videos. In this mode, the setting of YouTube cookies on your device is initially blocked when you visit our website. Only when you click on the preview image the video will be loaded. This is possible by the fact that you are technically redirected to the YouTube website. From that point on, we no longer have any control over what data is sent to YouTube and what cookies or other means are used by YouTube to track users or analyze user behavior. For more information about YouTube's use of cookies, please see the Google Privacy Policy and the Google's cookie policy. Once a YouTube cookie is set, you can delete it from your browser at any time. For more information about deleting cookies, please refer to the website of your browser provider.

Snížit počet nozokomiálních nákaz v nemocnici o třetinu je možné.

Jaké tedy jsou levné a efektivní způsoby boje s nozokomiálními nákazami? Odpověď dává rozhovor s MUDr. Jánem Dudrou, místopředsedou představenstva společnosti AGEL.

Preview image YouTube videos
We use the so-called extended privacy mode to integrate YouTube videos. In this mode, the setting of YouTube cookies on your device is initially blocked when you visit our website. Only when you click on the preview image the video will be loaded. This is possible by the fact that you are technically redirected to the YouTube website. From that point on, we no longer have any control over what data is sent to YouTube and what cookies or other means are used by YouTube to track users or analyze user behavior. For more information about YouTube's use of cookies, please see the Google Privacy Policy and the Google's cookie policy. Once a YouTube cookie is set, you can delete it from your browser at any time. For more information about deleting cookies, please refer to the website of your browser provider.

Se svými názory a zkušenostmi přispěli i naši kolegové z HARTMANN.

Základ a nadstavba pro efektivní desinfekci jako nástroj boje proti patogenům.

O současné nabídce HARTMANN hovoří Mgr. Petr Havlíček. Představuje i inovace, které snižují pracnost a přináší do celého procesu boje proti infekcím novou uživatelskou kvalitu.

Preview image YouTube videos
We use the so-called extended privacy mode to integrate YouTube videos. In this mode, the setting of YouTube cookies on your device is initially blocked when you visit our website. Only when you click on the preview image the video will be loaded. This is possible by the fact that you are technically redirected to the YouTube website. From that point on, we no longer have any control over what data is sent to YouTube and what cookies or other means are used by YouTube to track users or analyze user behavior. For more information about YouTube's use of cookies, please see the Google Privacy Policy and the Google's cookie policy. Once a YouTube cookie is set, you can delete it from your browser at any time. For more information about deleting cookies, please refer to the website of your browser provider.

Vhodně zvolené inkontinenční pomůcky mohou uspořit stovky hodin lidské práce ročně.

V současnosti, kdy je v sociálních službách každá ruka dobrá to platí dvojnásob. Jak nejlevnější nákupy prodražují zdravotní péči a jak se dá ušetřit, se dozvíte od Andrey Pisingerové z HARTMANN.

Preview image YouTube videos
We use the so-called extended privacy mode to integrate YouTube videos. In this mode, the setting of YouTube cookies on your device is initially blocked when you visit our website. Only when you click on the preview image the video will be loaded. This is possible by the fact that you are technically redirected to the YouTube website. From that point on, we no longer have any control over what data is sent to YouTube and what cookies or other means are used by YouTube to track users or analyze user behavior. For more information about YouTube's use of cookies, please see the Google Privacy Policy and the Google's cookie policy. Once a YouTube cookie is set, you can delete it from your browser at any time. For more information about deleting cookies, please refer to the website of your browser provider.

Jak ušetřit náklady a vyrovnat se s nedostatkem personálu.

Opatření, která byla zavedena ve spolupráci s týmem HARTMANN Consulting, přináší měřitelné výsledky. Podrobnosti nám o tom prozradil jeden z členů konzultačního týmu Ing. Petr Doležal.

Preview image YouTube videos
We use the so-called extended privacy mode to integrate YouTube videos. In this mode, the setting of YouTube cookies on your device is initially blocked when you visit our website. Only when you click on the preview image the video will be loaded. This is possible by the fact that you are technically redirected to the YouTube website. From that point on, we no longer have any control over what data is sent to YouTube and what cookies or other means are used by YouTube to track users or analyze user behavior. For more information about YouTube's use of cookies, please see the Google Privacy Policy and the Google's cookie policy. Once a YouTube cookie is set, you can delete it from your browser at any time. For more information about deleting cookies, please refer to the website of your browser provider.