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HARTMANN's Fit to Lead Programme Successfully Helps 16 Employees Improve Their Career Prospects


HARTMANN’s Fit to Lead Programme Successfully Helps 16 Employees Improve Their Career Prospects

HARTMANN is celebrating the end of their first-ever Fit to Lead programme which has proven to be an overwhelming success. The programme has helped 16 participants from 9 different countries across Europe improve their management skills through intensive modules, learning from each other and experts to help them understand and overcome challenges in their career development.

The 3 full-day training sessions in Barcelona and Brussels helped to improve the management capabilities of those who were new to their position, about to accept greater responsibility and those ready to take the next step in their career at HARTMANN, as part of the company investing in its employees.

Dani Martin, HR Director, Spain 
Marc Perez, Regional Director of Region Two at HARTMANN claims “We designed this programme together with colleagues because we wanted an international programme that could help bring together first-time managers in our region, as part of our strategy for developing people. We want to develop our team, as an international business we need people to be high performing and to meet our objectives across the region.”
Marc Perez
Marc Perez, Regional Director of Region Two at HARTMANN
The individuals that participated in the campaign came from all areas of HARTMANN including marketing, manufacturing, sales and even IT. The main criteria they had to meet to be selected for the programme was to be in a new position with no previous need to manage others or added responsibility.

Perez explains that having a variety of individuals from different countries and areas of the business was key to the success of the programme. “The real value of the programme is that we brought together people who don’t always talk to each other, giving them possibilities to learn from each other, gain insight into how other areas of the business work and how different countries manage tasks.

It showed them different approaches and leadership styles, opening their eyes to new ways of doing things and innovating future managers” he continues.

The participants were able to implement their learnings from the programme from day one, changing the way they manage people, how they feedback to their respective teams and allowing them to act as role models for their colleagues.

“We’re already seeing examples of our employees becoming more confident leaders. It was always on our agenda to make sure we had great success with this, and we’ve been able to see results from the first day.”

Fit to Lead, group work
Following the closing event in Barcelona, all of the participants were able to feedback to Perez, who was the event's main sponsor, and the team about the success of the programme. “We also conducted a survey which told us our participants are really happy and proud to be the first to complete the programme, they’re excited to continue their development with HARTMANN.”

Due to the success of the first Fit to Lead Programme, HARTMANN has already been able to select new participants for 2020 and are looking forward to helping them develop and grow.

The 2020 Fit to Lead programme will visit new locations and open up doors for even more HARTMANN employees. “We welcome creativity so in the 2020 programme we hope to see lots of new ideas and innovations which can be implemented across the region” Perez states.

HARTMANN is thrilled to be able to invest in their staff and help individuals from every business area to grow their career prospects. The team hope that the Fit to Lead programme will continue for many years, helping them to gain the best from their employees and allow them to reach their full potential in an international organisation.

Fit to Lead, group work