Incontinence: Breaking the taboo

Man in a blue t-shirt trying to do yoga with two women
It takes courage to admit to incontinence, but it can be a vital first step in getting the right treatment and returning to a normal life. So say a patient and a top urologist.
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Why we care about empathy

Jordi Guinovart presenting
How do you launch an international product as successfully in Austria as in Spain? Of course, market research is the starting point. But for HARTMANN, the real secret is global-local marketing partnerships based on open dialogue and empathy
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Nurture our nurses

Howard Catton smiling portrait
Nurses are more important to society today than ever. So we must do far more to reward, support and involve them, according to one of the most senior voices in the industry
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“Don’t forget us,” she said. How could I?

Cristina Sansalvador with kids
Cristina Sansalvador from Spain immersed herself in a week-long volunteering project at health centres in rural Kenya. Here she shares her story.
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From bedside to business: tips (and tales) from a wound nurse

From bedsite to business
Bedside training is the best training. We cannot afford to distance ourselves from this fact.
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Leadership: A lonely road to legacy

Nurse holding hand of patient
At the HART of who we are lies an independent son and an entrepreneurial nurse. Together, they symbolise how we approach wound management, partnership, and the development of long-lasting solutions to improve patient care.
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The people behind HARTMANN: Christine Bloch

Christine Bloch
Going further for health. How a personal mission met a professional mantra.
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Same wound, different context, different needs

Happy family using digital healthcare
Everyone is susceptible to the potential hardship of a chronic wound. We must put more emphasis on each individual’s concerns to manage wounds more effectively.
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Ethics: our guiding principles

Middle Eastern businessman with colleagues at conference table.
If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t right. Business ethics is crucial in the healthcare sector and each individual has to take responsibility.
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Patients are taking over

Man in wheelchair playing basketball
Are patients taking over the professional roles of healthcare practitioners? More healthcare related information available online means more patient empowerment. How does this development affect the doctor-patient relationship?
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Perspectives from Nepal

Picture of Nepalese man painted with traditional religious colours.
Even though the Nepalese culture, traditions and lifestyle differ a lot from Ralf Ledl’s own, he found a distinct similarity: the shared goal to live as well as possible.
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Meet our helping hands

HARTMANN Plant fire brigade group shot
Team spirit and solidarity, but also adrenalin and speed are at the core of every work day at the HARTMANN plant fire brigade. All the firefighters agree on this. We met three of them.
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